Wednesday, July 10, 2013

f23 with photogenic facial features underneath a high forehead and a big bald head faB

with photogenic facial features underneath a high forehead and a big bald head,

candidates "not being unemployed" be a new hiring trend among certain employers? If so,, could this pose a new type of hiring discrimination practice; that our current state and federal employment laws do not properly address. In Michigan,, . It would be extremely disturbing if the underlying reason behind the high rate would be in part to,, certain employers screening out applicants based on being unemployed for a period of time on their resumes. How would Michigan,, particularly Southeastern Michigan,, deal with the lost of a large variety of jobs that have left the state? Most of these former jobs have left many laid-off/unemployed individuals in their wake. Should certain employers are allowed to discriminate in who they hire,, on how long they have been unemployed in the current market?Certain companies meanwhile state,, they believe that individuals that are laid-off were not the best in their field,, thus the reason why they are no longer employed. Also,, they believe that it would take longer to have the longer-term unemployed "up to speed" with the current technologies or job responsibilities of today's workforce. Many of the Unemployed or current Job Seekers,, former companies have relocated to other states,, moved operations overseas or just closed the former company. In many cases,, it is not the fault of the Unemployed or current Job Seekers,, that they have not been able to return the workforce in a difficult employment market.Related Articles:

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